N&G 2020 Best Abstract Awards in two categories: Neonatology/Infancy and Obesity
We are pleased to present the N&G 2020 Best Abstract Awards. The N&G award recognizes young physicians for their work in two categories: Neonatology/Infancy and Obesity. The awards are supported by an educational grant from the Nestlé Nutrition Institute for the best abstracts submitted to 7th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth.
The award recipients, selected by the N&G scientific committee, will be presented during the Opening Address in the Live sessions hall. Each abstract will receive a €5,000 prize.
Join us in congratulating the winners:
The Obesity Best N&G Research Award
Winner: Dr Miaobing (Jazzmin) Zheng
Affiliation: NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow, Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Australia

Abstract title: Longitudinal Lifestyle Pattern and Body Mass Index Trajectories in Early Childhood: A Multi-Trajectory Modelling Approach
Early lifestyle factors including dietary intake, sedentary behaviour and physical activity have been implicated in obesity development in children. These lifestyle factors may cluster together to form “unhealthy” and “healthy” lifestyle patterns and have synergistic effects on obesity development. Yet the longitudinal dynamic relationship between lifestyle patterns and childhood obesity remains unexplored. In a cohort of Australian children, we examined the interrelationships of developmental trajectories of lifestyle patterns and body mass index (BMI) z-scores in early childhood. By using multi-trajectory modelling, we identified three trajectory groups of lifestyle patterns and BMI z-score: “Unhealthy stable lifestyle pattern, normal weight 30%”, “Healthy stable lifestyle pattern, risk of overweight 53%”, and “Unhealthy lifestyle pattern, overweight 17%”. Maternal pre-pregnancy overweight and high maternal television viewing time increased the probability of child membership in “Unhealthy lifestyle pattern, overweight” group. Our findings revealed that longitudinal interrelationship of lifestyle patterns and BMI z-scores existed in early childhood. Moreover, our study supports intervention strategies to target maternal pre-pregnancy body weight and sedentary behaviours for reducing unhealthy lifestyle patterns and obesity in early childhood.
Dr Miaobing (Jazzmin) Zheng is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and a Nutrition Epidemiologist who obtained her PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Sydney. Her PhD explored the association between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, alternative beverage substitution, and adiposity in children and young adults. She currently holds an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Early Career fellowship. Her current research focuses on the early dietary and behavioural determinants of growth pattern and adiposity in children and the development of chronic disease in adulthood in population groups of different ethnicities. Her research findings will contribute to the understanding of the genesis and early prevention of obesity and chronic diseases through informing the design of public health interventions and the revisions of dietary guidelines and food polices.
The Neonatal & Prematurity Best N&G Research Award
Winner: Dr Enitan Ogundipe – MBBS, MRCP, MD, FRCPCH Consultant Neonatologist & Hon. Clinical Senior Lecturer
Affiliation: Chelsea & Westminster (C&W) Hospital/ Imperial College London, UK

Abstract title: Brain MRI Volumetrics in Newborn and Maternal PUFA Supplementation
The paper presented gives first ever evidence that Brain MRI Volumetrics in newborn babies correlate to maternal lipid nutrition by supplementing pregnant women with “brain specific” long chain essential fatty acids. The study is first anatomical evidence that has shown such increases the newborn brain volumes on MRI scan in a randomized double blinded placebo-controlled trial in response to maternal supplementation. The infants of supplemented mothers also had better immediate neonatal outcomes.
Dr Ogundipe a full –time clinician and academic researcher at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital London UK & Imperial College London School of Public Health in Neonatal Medicine and Principal and Chief Investigator for 5 past and current research studies – FOSS study PI/CI – (E Ogundipe et al 2018; 2016).
Dr Ogundipe is committed to the highest standards of clinical care that dove-tails with clinical research to improve the care of high risk babies and their mothers, in particular with the conviction that brain, neurodevelopmental and clinical outcomes can be enhanced by paying close attention to their perinatal health and nutritional balance, especially in this regard to brain nutrition. This is one of the key focus of the presented research outcome.
Other areas of Clinical /Research Leadership as Specialist Doctor in Neonatal Intensive Care medicine; Past/Present: are First Director of Neonatal Services as an accredited Tertiary NICU /Designated Regional Neonatal Surgical NICU, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London UK., There has also developed and leads Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow up program (7* and 5* star Clinics) and the Perinatal Integrated Multidisciplinary Service (PIMS); is Lead Consultant – Neonatal Infection and Prevention Control; Lead Doctor for Neonatal Community Liaison Services , was First Neonatal College Tutor at C&W Hospital (with RCPCH), London UK, and is an internationally Accredited Neurodevelopmental assessment Tutor.